About The Blog

This blog has been created with the intention of giving back to the community a tiny part of what it brought me these past years by sharing the ways I have overcome some challenges as well as some useful tips and tricks.

This blog is not intending to repeat any documentation provided by Salesforce, but rather put into perspective the options the SFDC platform offers on the shelf that could be used to solve a problem and propose a thought process to strive to get the best of the Salesforce platform.

Please comment the articles, challenge the solutions, and suggest new ideas!

About me

Hi! My name is Florian. I am a Salesforce Technical Architect based in Dublin, Salesforce Evangelist and advocate of continuous personal development. I strive to cope with increasingly complex challenges and keep fostering a well-balanced combination of business skills and hands-on experience in software development, design and architecture.

I am working in the Salesforce ecosystem since 2017 and I have been working as a Technical Architect and a Solution Architect on complex Salesforce implementations across various industries, involving Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Community Cloud, Einstein Analytics, Shield, as well as Marketing Cloud.

What I really enjoy in my daily work as a Salesforce Technical Architect is to have handy all the power and capabilities the Salesforce platform offers as a PaaS and all the changes and renewal it requires to stay up to date on the latest functionalities. I never feel bored!

All the open Salesforce ecosystem gives everyone the possibility to self-train, self-develop and create a new career with great opportunities on the job market!

My beliefs for a successful design

Articles from this blog are inspired by real user requirements and include the following Non-Functional Requirements as a foundation. I strongly believe that a good and sustainable design has to be built on top of a sound ground layer composed of this 4 areas.

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